Parenting Programs at Hilltops Community Hub
The Hub runs a number of programs designed to assist parents and carers to better understand the parenting role and their child’s stages of development. Parenting Programs give common sense strategies to cope with the challenges all parents face sometimes!

Triple P
Positive Parenting Program.
Triple P aims to promote positive, caring relationships between parents and their children. Parents develop strategies for effectively managing children's behaviour.
This free course is for parents and carers of children aged 2 -12 years running over 4 sessions with follow up phone calls.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

123 Magic
Easy to learn parenting solutions that work!
A popular and effective program that focuses on the link between behaviours and emotions.
If children can better understand their feelings, they can manage their behaviour more successfully.
For parents with children 2 - 12 years. Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

Drumbeat for Parents
Improving family dynamics through Music and Reflection, this FREE 6-week program for parents and carers offers information and fun.
No drumming experience necessary.
This program runs for 1.5 hours per week over 6 weeks. Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

Bringing up Great Kids

Engaging Adolescents

Circle of Security
Is an early childhood attachment program designed for caregivers of children 4 months to 6 years.
Based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
This program runs for 2 hours per week over 4 weeks.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.
Positive Parenting Program.
Triple P aims to promote positive, caring relationships between parents and their children. Parents develop strategies for effectively managing children's behaviour.
This free course is for parents and. carers of children aged 2 -12 years running over 4 sessions with follow up phone calls.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.
This workshop provides easy-to-use techniques for parents and carers to use when wishing to address and resolve teenager behaviour.
This program runs for 2 hours per week over 3 weeks.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

Keeping Kids Safe
Promoting the care and protection of children and young people. This course explains abuse/neglect and the effects of these on children.
This information awareness program is for parents/carers wanting to improve their parenting skills.
This program runs for 2 hours per week over 6 weeks.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

Keeping Kids in Mind
A group program for parents who are separated and/or divorced and who are experiencing ongoing conflict with the other parent.
The course is designed to help parents see separation through their children's eyes and develop a greater understanding of how to support them during this time.
This program runs for 2 hours per week over 5 weeks.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.

Play Power is a strengths based parenting program that aims to build nurturing family relationships through play. Developed to support parents with infants and toddlers to make the most of everyday moments. Strong bonds are forged with your child in the first three years benefiting development, resilience and social emotional growth.
Register your interest via 6382 6328 or our Contact Form.